Rock Island, IL – 309-788-5524
Davenport, IA – 563-359-3357
Clinton, IA – 563-219-8044
Rock Island, IL – 61201
Davenport, IA – 52807
Clinton, IA – 52732
Why is my Near Vision Blurry?
It’s a common question and the answer is a fact of life. In our 40s and 50s, we begin to notice that our near vision is getting blurry. At first , we squint, turn on brighter light or extend our arm to bring an object into focus. We struggle to see the computer screen, read a menu, send a text message and perform many other daily tasks. We must depend more and more on reading glasses or contacts lenses to see up close. It is so frustrating.The everyday vision we took for granted just isn’t there anymore. This is presbyopia the natural loss of near vision that eventually affects all of us, even if we never needed vision correction before.
What causes presbyopia?
In our 20s and 30s, our eye’s natural lens is elastic and flexible. It works like a camera lens to automatically adjust and focus our vision. This lets is automatically switch our gaze from something near to something far away. Over time, the natural lens in your eye begins to stiffen. It can’t bend into the right shape to bring close objects into focus. To compensate, you end up moving objects further away at just the right distance to focus.
Presbyopia continues to progress over time. For example, someone who is 45 may only notice it when trying to read tiny print in low light. However, someone who is 50 may need to use reading glasses many times throughout the day.
What Reading Glasses Wearers Put Up With.5 Frustrations.
It usually starts in our 40s or 50s but at some point, almost all of us will need reading glasses to see up close. It is called Presbyopia and it means the perfectly natural, yet very frustrating, loss of near vision as we age. The irritation and the frustration surrounding reading glasses is real. And if you’re a member of the glasses club, you will definitely be able to relate to these vexing moments.
As with any eye surgery, healing is a process. Adhering to your doctor’s recovery instructions will accelerate your progress. In the first 48 hours following the KAMRA inlay procedure, it is common to experience some sensitivity to light, as well as watery eyes and irritation. Most people are able to resume their normal activities, including returning to work, within 24 to 48 hours after the surgery.
By the end of the first week following the procedure, many people begin to notice an improvement in their near vision. It is important to remember that the amount and pace of near vision improvement varies by individual. For some, the improvement is dramatic and more sudden. For others, the mprovement occurs more gradually. To enhance your recovery and near vision improvement, you should:
- Avoid wearing reading glasses.
- Take your medications as prescribed by your doctor, including artificial tears.
- Keep your follow-up appointments with your doctor.
It is typical to experience some fluctuations in your vision in the first three to six months after surgery. These will likely stabilize. Your doctor will recommend some simple tips to reduce your reliance on reading glasses and help you achieve the maximum benefits of the KAMRA inlay. The keys to success are to be patient your with the recovery process and diligent in following your doctor’s instructions.
Certain side effects may occur following the KAMRA inlay procedure. Dry eye, glare, halos, and vision disturbances at night are some common examples. These are treatable and will resolve over time. Tell your doctor right away if you experience any of these or feel that your recovery is not progressing properly.
Keep in mind that some KAMRA inlay patients may still require reading glasses for activities such as reading tiny print or reading in low light. In addition, if the inlay is not centered properly or if the effects are not ideal, your doctor can safely remove the inlay
Assessing the Value of the KAMRA Inlay.
The KAMRA inlay treatment is an elective procedure. This means that the cost is not options, including interest-free financing. As you consider this, ask yourself what it would be like to be free from the every-day frustrations of reading glasses.
Think about your average day – at work, at home, and on the go. You can probably identify hundreds of tasks that would all be easier and more comfortable if you didn’t have the constantly deal with your near vision loss. What it is worth to be free from the constant frustrations of reading glasses? How valuable would the KAMRA inlay be to improving your active lifestyle.
Think about what you regularly spend on glasses and contact lenses. What is the yearly cost of your over-the-counter reading glasses, progressive lenses, custom sunglasses, contact lenses, and the contact lens care products? It’s probably more than you realize. Over a 10-to 20 year period, these cost are likely to add up to thousands of dollars. How much could you save in the future years by having the KAMRA inlay today? These are important considerations in assessing the real, long-term value of the KAMRA inlay procedure to you.
Is the KAMRA inlay for everyone?Imagine how much easier every day life would be if you didn’t have to constantly reach for your reading glasses or feel lost without them. Simple tasks like reading the news, sending a text message or checking the care instructions on your favorite sweate would be faster, easier and more enjoyable. Just how frustrating is it to live with your near vision loss?
The KAMRA Inlay is ideal for people who want to reduce their dependency on reading glasses. It is important that there may be times when additional magnification is needed to read small print in dim light or to perform a near task for an extended period of time. Your doctor will give you more information about the potential benefits and risks.
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